Ngu Rita
4 min readSep 30, 2021

Typically conditioning theory does not apply no matter how well we have studied or mastered our food classes and food intake doses; either we are tempted to eat a lot or a little. Otherwise due to lack of knowledge we weigh the amounts of food intake inappropriately. Money is an issue to most families that have a large family and so loving are still producing more babies however we all must survive as god will take care. A large appetite can be very appealing at a table of plenty so we can design boosters to minimize our costs thus a boosting plan to help middle class incomes that lack one or two to make ends meet; birds of the same feather flock together.

A healthy diet is made of a variety of classes of foods proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, water, fats and oils. All classes of food are needed to provide energy, building materials to build repair worn tissues. As such meals rich in proteins like meat, fish and chicken in combination of beans are those in demand. Usually watching out on the quantity of starch for energy to curb the diabetic condition and minimizing the amount of fats and oils to not store too much fat deposit will keep the body in form for an active and healthy performance throughout. For those who cannot afford fish and chicken every other day maybe you can rely on eggs as another quick and cheaper source of proteins together with milk to build bones and teeth. Carrots, pears, garden eggs, mangoes, oranges avocados will be nutritive varieties to interchange in these troubled times.

A shortage or an excess of right amounts of intake of the various food classes results in disorders. A disorder is a disruption of the physical or mental functions; an eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits, gastrointestinal disorders. Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities; this condition is usually self-treatable, it is usually self diagnosable because lab tests are not required

Excess amounts of fat deposit resulting in ill health can be managed by boosting our system with natural remedies; you can clear out by taking half a cup of ginger tea every evening for a week. Garlic and onions are good antibiotics natural remedies so generally add raw bits of them to beef up the immune system. Especially a hot cup of lemon water as a drink will help kill germs bacteria and viruses in the mouth, down the throat and the belly in case of any encountered during a meal , this especially recommended because its available and its cheap . In addition lemon water aids in other functions for various vitals in the body; especially the heart and liver.


1) Lemons are high antioxidants with vitamin C that contains skin serum, it makes skin less dull.

2) It de-bloats my belly and aids digestion because citric acid one of its components supplements stomach acids to help break down food.

3) It ward’s off colds and it reduces inflammation throughout the body especially as hot drinks

4) Taking two weeks of lemon water made her loose 1 pound

5) It lifted her spirit

6) It boost your immunity and consequently speeds up recovery

7) Rich in fiber which lowers cholesterol levels and helps control blood sugar levels

8) Contains substances that detoxify thus flushes toxins in the body

9) It enables the liver to produce more enzymes thus foster liver health and decreases liver malfunction

10) It alkalizes the body so prevents cancer


We are in the low income margin together so cheer up we have something to eat at least, and we mean every mouthful should be enjoyable in a clean place, at a clean table, a clean plate, a clean cup. A bit of a smile at table makes it more delicious and more appetizing than before use your table manners, no spills. Don’t choke add a little water half a cup of water to sip in-between bites in the absence of table wine. Relax play some music. There you go Ritaristic artistic design setting, guard your ideals, seek the good, climb your mountains, cherish your dreams and enjoy life.

Healthy Living

Healthy Living, Stay Healthy, Health is Wealth!



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.