The 2021 United Nations climate change conference will take place in Glasgow in November that is next month, the global conference on health & climate change will bring together a wide range of key actors in public health and climate change policy in order to incorporate public health and climate justice considerations in the UN climate negotiations; it’s a call for a healthy, green and resilient COVID-19 recovery. Climate change is a global concern for all governments, it is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather conditions in a place with patterns are seasonal and disastrous. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole which becomes so dry and heated to such an extent that when a cigarette smoker drops his litter it sets the whole place ablaze, cigarette smokers please stop dropping your cigarette litter about especially where dry grass has been dumped around carelessly it will set the area on fire. Burning materials and rubbish inappropriately releases what are called greenhouse gases into earth’s atmosphere; the causes of these emissions are many like burning coal, oil, gas producing carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Over the past decade we are experiencing hotter days across the globe, heat waves have happened in the past but climate change is making heat waves longer and more frequent and by comparing scenarios scientists can tell that worsening heat waves will likely increase the number of heat related illnesses and consequently deaths, but since we are humans and must work for common good we are compelled to take action ahead of the consequence and start to redress the situation to come. Global heating causes more water to evaporate, which leads to an increase in the amount of annual rain and snow, at the same time the warmer the atmosphere the more moisture it holds thus increasing down pour as rain, floods such as it is the case in India killing over 30 people. These rains are crucial to agricultural produce as food but at the same time excesses submerge fields and buildings and contaminate water for drinking.
There are many types of pollution that causes these soils, atmospheres to become intoxicated instead of fresh as the green plants; air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air. These particles and gases come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes, and wildfires, these are aerosols.
Soil erosion and global warming threaten food security and the functioning of ecosystems, it also produces a number of knock-on-effects for farmers, for example, have to compensate for loss of natural soil productivity by increasing fertilizer usage instead of maintaining its natural state which is healthy for the consumer.