Gender equity

Ngu Rita
2 min readMar 9, 2022

The girl is a child, the boy is a child and parity is “De Facto”

In the gender discussions the men and women continue to debate what is the better role to play, typically most women are responsible for the feeding of the household and cleaning meanwhile the men are responsible for paying school fees. Ladies and gentle men are typical of all ceremonies and formal gatherings which are numerous. The ladies all spent time cooking for these functions so that they enjoy the gatherings and all these go alongside building public image, reputations and these repeat in a circular manner, it happens again and again so far as sociology is concerned.

The traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances or art forms preserved over the years among people, it is a branch of knowledge that deals with folklore, a specialist in folklore; an example of folklore is a story about where their family came from told to a grandchild by his grandma. Whereas myth has at its core the origins of a people and is often sacred, folklore is a collection of fictional tales about people or animals. Superstitions and unfounded beliefs are important elements in folklore tradition; both myths and folklore were originally circulated orally.

There are four genders, masculine, feminine, neuter and common, the men folk especially those belonging to a family or community where there is handing down rites of passage. Gender identity and gender role is a personal conception of oneself as male or female. Societies have traditionally taught us that there are two genders; man and woman. Gender is used to describe the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed, while sex refers to those that are biologically determined. People are born female or male, but learn to be girls and boys who grow into women and men.



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.