Ngu Rita
2 min readSep 18, 2021

A successful transmission of information or data across to another party from one party is the real understanding of what communication entails; usually talking, shouting, quarreling are all involved when we know how to speak, read and write however there is a slight difference in messaging and comprehension techniques, something which is interpersonal. The action of engaging in a two-way communication effectively cannot be over-emphasized, that is to enable the passage from one to another, such as communication between a father and his son or an employer and an employee; the interchanging of thoughts, feelings, and ideas by writing, speech, communion, and intercourse encompasses depth, breath and height of communication. An integrated communications strategy ensures consistency of branding across all channels in alignment of all objectives, it considers the target audiences engaging them to move the business forward with a key position on focus is the clientele, all the customers of a business when they are considered as a group, the clients collectively, be it a shop, a restaurant, a stylist no matter the level in question regarded as a whole. Lots of descriptions for clientele can be analyzed like some of the sort (young /sophisticated/ diverse / mixed) clientele. An example of a client is a student being tutored at a college writing center, dealing with computers, a program, downloading files and manipulating data or requesting services of a provider.

Networking as a team, a group of marketers geared towards achieving high productivity is the main objective of most who cooperate as a small unit collecting/sending relevant messages from companies to customers about companies services in case of corporate communication about the company itself, All messages are geared towards promoting the interest of the brand, thus we differentiate ‘ above-the line’ activity where an advertisement is submitted to a publication and a commission is paid to the advertising agency to feature the piece of information: and ‘below-the-line’ activity where no commission has been paid for example a trade exhibition or a sponsored sports event.

1 Communication

-share or exchange information, convey an emotion or feeling non-verbally through eye to eye contact e.g. reluctance, weakness, fragility, gentleness, swagger

-through communication pass on infectious diseases and transmit heat, moisture, breathe

2 Communicating is the action process

- of two rooms having a common connecting door

-receive Holy Communion

-a letter or message containing information


3 Satellite

-relay television, radio, telephone signals are communications satellites



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.