Ngu Rita
2 min readAug 23, 2021


Person is one, a number, the best, most important, person or thing, individualistic by preference and liking as can be seen with passengers boarding the same car this vehicle can carry twenty persons. Each person comes in with a peculiar desire/taste one walks into the bus carrying a pack of biscuits, another a soft drink the third is having cakes the fourth has pie, apples and water in this environment you hear stuff like this bus is allowed only 20 places, this is a fifty-seater meanwhile the other bus is a seventy-seater; in most agencies there are 1–9 people small enough to run smoothly. People otherwise a crowd in the market as human beings the mass of citizens in a country, a mop that cannot be numbered as inhabitants of a place farming the land they inhabit fill it or be present in it, in such places we hear that a group of several thousands are re-housed due to disasters. Personnel are the people employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking they are a team of employees as a workforce each performing a task, one’s people are their employees, family and support.

People as a nationality is oneness of culture, language, descent , identity and moral; a person’s origin and nationality has border lines and boundaries depending on the traditions and beliefs of the individual and diversification is coming in with a western touch as opposed to the counterparts viewing the movies. The transmission of inheritance having the characteristics of cultural and customary norms is to be upheld as can be seen in the languages of the world’s peoples, the language spoken by a large group as a method of communication is binding (English and broken-English) as the tongue. The vernacular is for a crowd of people thousands-millions some say the dialect can keep our secrets secure from the opponent which is quite true; where is my enemy, do good to those who hurt you, pray for those who persecute you , pray for those who tempt you, keep us safe from the evil one; stay safe, keep washing hands, follow the guideline rules, say it in the languages of the world’s people it is simply hygiene another outbreak may start in the next two years do not let it happen please continue washing hands prevention is better than cure.

One People-One Beer



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.