I’m one person who loves quotable quotes even the two words just sound sweet to say together at once, secondly I like when someone is so sure and can say quote me if you like anytime.
With entertainment and relaxation, the week runs by fast and then we become more lighthearted with all of our activities in all of our industries. With a merry heart and a lively spirit you overcome the mountains and hills set before you, you go in freestyle and the day goes by without any calamities. Folklore, mythology and story-telling keep a people, one people, one nation, all in their numbers are good to be with in unison they cooperate to achieve common goals, solve common problems.
Quotable quotes are famous life sayings about life which should inspire positivity, good happy feelings, expresses the fact that the greatest glory in living lies in raising every time you fall, in this limited lifetime be sure that your own self is not wasting it living someone else’s life. If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor so I want to share some quotes. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who do not matter care and those matter don’t mind. Startup stories need research, resources and entrepreneurs to share similar information on a common place they all found with the name “Platform” a one stop destination to bring you to the complete journey about success.
Quotable Quotes
Common sense is not common
Together achieves better
A stitch in time saves nine
Charity begins at home
Thinking in advance
Every disappointment is a blessing
Make hay while the sun shines
It rained cats and dogs
God’s time is the best
Much ado about nothing
Do me ado you
An eye for an eye
What goes around comes around
Better late than never
Who born dog?