Ngu Rita
2 min readAug 28, 2021

Water is essential for life, 78 % of the earth’s surface is made up of water!

Water for science students is written as H2O by its chemical formula; aqua is another very simple version for the term water, relating to water and aquatic meaning a water loving plant or animal. Most humans love water especially as children when given a bath is exciting and binding to a huge extend; energizing, refreshing and a curative procedure for most diseases even preventive measures as the case may be. Regular consumption of water is advisable, useful in moderating high concentrated levels of fluid in the body system which may render the system prone to certain ailments by dampening the effect through dilution.

Water is the liquid which forms the seas, oceans and lakes coming from the rain that had collected through running rivers and streams and merged into larger bodies; dams are also built to store and use water where need be, a water course is a brook, stream or artificially constructed water channel river with a bed along which it flows. Water is used to generate electricity; this activity involves a lot of manpower. Most bottled waters come from mineral springs as used medicinally for cleansing and treatment sessions. The mouth or eyes water producing saliva and tears respectively, meanwhile making water is associated with urine. To water something down means making a situation lighter less forceful or controversial by changing slightly the tone or by leaving out certain details.

Water has a PH 7 which is a neutral PH meaning it is neither an acid nor alkali in composition. The p in PH represents German Potenz ’power’ + H the symbol for hydrogen thus PH being derived from the reciprocal of the hydrogen –ion concentration. Chemistry is a subject that addresses PH in detail here it is a figure expressing acidity or alkalinity on a logarithmic scale on which 7 is neutral, lower values are more acidic, and higher ones more alkaline. In testing procedures acid turns litmus paper red whereas alkali turns litmus paper blue. Examples of acidic substances are citrus fruits like lemon, orange, even lactic acid, those of alkali are rock minerals like limestone or caustic soda, sodium, potassium, calcium.



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.