Ngu Rita
2 min readAug 27, 2021

As a new writer taking a little bit is more appealing to me as well as to my audience; since a group of people will need to like the posts to keep reading. The writer and the reader are on two different sides one putting forward and the other ready for the end piece of writing to read. I need to captivate the mind of the audience with good content that must be fascinating especially for people who are passionate; it is a fun activity thus keeping the reader glued to the text is my main objective in every single piece of my work. Getting readership is essential in order to keep writing, all the readers collectively should like the piece and even those assigned by duty to scrutinize and report to the publisher based on merits of manuscripts submitted for publication. Excited every morning pondering upon what will serve my newly acquired base of enthusiasts happy as well as informed is a priority to me. The numbers of people reaching the outlet are of a western culture, maybe this will affect my readers’ base, most certainly but surely I must be myself, not feigning affection, not cynical about love for in face of all pretense it is as empty as it is full so I stand my grounds. Yes, ground zero where nothing means just what it means nothing; nix.

A writer is a person who writes books or articles as a regular occupation, always computing data to a storage medium, characteristic of a professional author, sometimes as a clerk literate and scholarly writing what is noticed like a distinguished academic especially where academic pursuits are envisaged may be a good way to keep information flow around for people to be aware; as a highly educated who has an aptitude for study especially humanities or a university student on scholarship putting up a learned discussion a debate and continuous assimilation of ongoing topics which leave a lot of people confused thus offering better explanations on a positive way ahead. Writing enables clarifications on a lot of issues and opening talks for further discussion where doubts are numerous or a tendency for waywardness; as such writing to an audience targeted may send the right message for best practices as well as open the eyes for a clearer vision of the situation at hand.

An example is the vaccines, should we take the vaccine at all we are not seriously affected, may be just getting the first dose is enough, why two doses whereas the other vaccine is only one dose. In the sciences there is reason for every vaccine to be designed following the nature of the material used for production so just go by the one you have been given. If the medical facility says it is a one shot vaccine get that; where there is a booster dose make sure you get the second shot else you will not stimulate the required level of antibodies to protect you against an attack from the viruses. When we start production you will understand better.

Gyno-the science of women.



Ngu Rita

I 'm one of seven living siblings, I live as an ordinary resident in Cameroon, a country in the CEMAC REGION- AFRICA. I like writing articles; see you online.